Cross+A 8.70 Download With Crack

Free Download CROSS+A full version installer off independent line for Windows. Simplifies the solution of crosswords, puzzles based on words, sudokus, nongrams and other logical puzzles.

General description of the cross+a

The purpose of Cross+A is to simplify the solution of crosswords, puzzles based on words, sudokus, nongrams and other logical puzzles. Cross+A provides very flexible and powerful search tools. Users can search for words in English through known letters and descriptions and find anagrams and words combinations. It uses a dictionary of 159000 words in English (part of them has descriptions). Users can add new words, eliminate and change descriptions or copy words to the clipboard.


  • Search for coupling words: search for pairs of words where the completion of the first word is equal to the second initial word

Technical details and system requirements

    • Compatible with the operating system: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7

    RAM (Memory): 2 GB RAM (4 GB RAM (4 GB RAM

  • Free Hard Disk Hard Disk hard disk English.

    P: Can I print the solutions generated by Cross+A?
    A: Yes, Cross+A allows you to print the solutions, puzzles and other relevant information directly from the software interface.

    Conclusion Conclusion

    This is a service tool tool that is accompanied by a breakfast software, software, software, software, software, software, software, software, software, software, software of a pompe. With its advanced features, which include a crossword soluceman, anagrams search engine, words search, cryptocytic solving and Sudoku, CROSS+A allows users to conquer several puzzles and word games. Whether it is an informal puzzle or an experienced professional, Cross+will raise your disconcerting experience.

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